Friday, August 13, 2010

Yo, Afternoon BBQ with the Deaners and Holts!

We were graciously invited down to Providence to spend a fun filled afternoon with the Deaners. Who else happens to show up? The Holts! On tap, grilled pizzas, t-ball, and kicking bombs!

Released from his car seat, Ben loosened up and started kicking bombs around the yard.

Then he showed Josh how to coach people in t-ball.

The disappearing ball trick.

Noah was bothered all day by paparazzi.

Ben paid a visit to Santa taking a break from the cold north (Berlin, NH).

I lost my hair.

Allergy boy isn't normally allowed to play with ketchup. Tiny tyke ketchup is hypoallergenic.


Sarah enjoyed the sun in the garden.

A second rare Kreg Holt photo! (thanks for the borrowed flash)

The boys showed some luv to Kate.

They were getting hungry.

Ben and Julian teamed up to push Noah's car.


Cute bat boy.

Welcome to The School of Kicking Bombs!

Um yaaaaaah, find another goalie. I think I'm going over there,

Yup, out of the net Charest!


Swish! Goal!

Little boooooom!

Bath time! Splash time!

Thomas time!
Time to go. What a great day.


Nicole King said...

Great pics Mark!!! And what's the deal with the bald head?!?

charesty said...

For the record, alopecia. But I'm cool with it. It's been about three weeks now with no hair. Now I really like it!