Thursday, August 12, 2010

Charest Family Growth Status Update

Soooo, our family is growing. Likewise so is Sarah's baby bump. Here's some tracking shots. He'll be coming out sometime in September. We're not exactly sure when because the doc and the ultrasound tech aren't friends. Nonetheless, on with the pics.

Easter Weekend walking through the woods at 16 weeks.

Riding the subway at 17 weeks.

BBQ at 23 weeks.

Right before dinner with Heather and Jill, 25 weeks.

At the Duffy wedding, 27 weeks.

Story Land, 29 weeks.

Davis Farmland, 31 weeks.

Granite Point Beach, 33 weeks.

The Deaner's, 34 weeks.

Can't wait to post pictures of our new little boy!


Yvonne said...

We can't wait to see that baby!

charesty said...

Can't wait to see the new Fredlake too!

Heather R said...

Sarah, you look GORGEOUS in all of these pics! I really love the yellow shirt and the dress you wore to the wedding....just beautiful! Can't wait to meet the little one!

Nicole King said...

You look fantastic! Your ta-tas are looking good too lady! Love you all!!!

Amanda said...

Sarah, you look awesome! Wishing you a relaxing final few weeks before the little one arrives (as relaxing as chasing around a toddler can be!)