Saturday, September 25, 2010

Places to Sleep

Tyler has been getting settled into all the different places there are to sleep.

Good nite.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Leaving the Hospital

On Wednesday, Sarah shot out of bed ready to head home to start our new life as a family of four.

Tyler took a little bit longer for his enthusiasm to join us.

Still unsure about our little boy's eye color.

I felt much more confident getting this guy ready than the last time we left the hospital.

We did make it home before noon and Tyler went right into the awaiting arms of his Nana. It was great to get home.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Weekend Before Showtime: Farm and Fishies Part 2


We headed to the NE Aquarium to walk around and see our fishy friends the day before Tyler was born.


Don't be crabby.

This was our last family outing as 'the three of us'. We're glad to be four now!

Weekend Before Showtime: Farm and Fishies Part 1

The weekend before Tyler was born, we decided to get out and stay active to help Sarah pass the time and let Ben have some fun. First stop, Drumlin Farm. It's a free stop on our Audobahn membership.

Silly Billy goat.

That's a good looking goat!

Giddyup and get this baby out!

Hayride fun time.

Bigass pigs.

Unfortunately creepy butterfly guy showed up so we quickly left to avoid him.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New Life

I'm so proud of Sarah. She calmly got through contractions beginning at 2:30 AM and gave birth to Tyler at 11:54 AM with a huge smile on her face. How could you not smile at the new guy though.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Sports Illustrated

Why do we take these pictures to embarrass these kids? Because they're hilarious and for future embarrasment.

But anyway, the little guy loves his Sports Illustrated. He loves it even more on the potty.